With the global pandemic affecting our world, many of us have started motivating ourselves to get active and achieve those body goals that have been eluding us for so long. A lot of people start on their fitness and healthy diet routine every day, but only a few can achieve their fit-body dreams while others get disheartened when they don’t see results after regular dieting and exercising and tend to give up on fitness altogether. It is essential to understand that health and fitness need to be turned into lifestyles to reach body goals. Moreover, along with the gym subscription and daily workouts, it is equally essential to keep your cravings in check to reach your body goals.
Especially to lose weight, the most scientific way is Calorie Deficit. In general calorie deficit is burning more calories than you eat in a day. By the shortage in the number of consumed calories to maintain the current weight, our body will consume the stored fat in the body and slowly helps to lose the excess weight. To help the dieters who have misconceptions about cutting down calories from their meals, we have listed a few do’s and don’ts for losing weight the right way.
Do: Eat Healthy Food
Large portions of unhealthy food can exhaust you and make you feel sluggish. Meanwhile, you can eat several small meals a day that allows you to keep your metabolism and help you go for an extra calorie burn. If you cut the portion sizes, you can cut back on snacking on unhealthy foods and choose low-calorie foods at mealtime, and by doing so, you’ll consume fewer calories each day. With enough calorie intake, you’ll create a large calorie deficit for weight loss.
Don’t: Skip Meals
A lot of people think that skipping a meal, breakfast or lunch is a great and shortcut to cut calories but very few realize that it’s more harmful than doing well for your body. Starving yourself is not an option in dieting. It is unhealthy and doesn’t really help in losing weight. As we know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and skipping it deprives your body of the chance to kick start its metabolism. This can result in desiring to eat a large portion of food or unhealthy meals later.
Do: Combine Diet and Exercise
A healthy diet will not only promote weight loss and overall better wellness but can also improve your mental health. A combination of a diet of eating fewer calories and exercising to burn more calories is the most effective way to lose weight. Studies have shown that this method increases weight loss more than any other method.
Don’t: Compare
Being patient is the key. Nobody is the same. Some people are genetically superior and can stay slim and fit. Others might have to do strenuous workouts every day and few might be on slimming drugs. Give it some time and work on your plan and focus on your own pace and not others.
The key to any successful weight loss to reach your body goals is consistency. Eventually, your calorie deficit will add up and help you lose extra weight. While sticking to a healthy routine of regularly exercising, healthy eating, and proper hydration can be tough but not impossible. But always remember to be accurate with your calorie intake and exercise. Although it seems easy, it’s also important to not go hard on yourself as we all have emotions, hormones, and stress. Set small goals and constantly achieve your ideal fitness state.